Friday, June 19, 2009

Fun Weekend to Come!

Today Daniel, my friend Katie and her son, and her boyfriend are going to the duck park. It's going to be a pretty fun day. Daniel loves being outside so I'm excited to see how he reacts. Katie is bringing her new super awesome camera so we can take pictures with the kids. She also has photoshop so she can make us look like we actually sleep during the night. Haha. We're bringing bread to feed the ducks. I bet her son, Bear will have fun with that. I hope it's not too hot outside today since we're going mid-afternoon. Knowing that it's Arizona I should already expect the weather to be in the three digit numbers. I'll post pictures as soon as I get them! On Saturday it's Gilbert's mom's birthday. Gilbert is my son's dad, if you didn't know, and we're having a party! It's going to be awesome. I can hardly wait. Sunday is Father's Day. Gilbert's FIRST father's Day. I made him an awesome collage that I'm surprising him with Sunday night when he gets out of work. He also gets to keep Daniel all night sunday, and monday during the day. I hope his Father's Day is as good as my Mother's Day was. I'll post pictures of it ALL when I get 'em uploaded. (: Tata for now!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The days I've been dreading.

My precious prince charming is sick today. He's been constipated for a few weeks now. Yesterday he got a fever and started throwing up. I gave him some mylocon (gas drops), and some infant's tylenol. I bathed him, lotioned him all up, and put him to bed with his baba. He slept from 5 in the afternoon to 9:30 at night. I guess he needed it since he didn't sleep well at all during the day or the night before. He had been acting fussy and I thought it was due to him wanting to be held all the time. He has a tendancy to want to be held, (yes I have a spoiled baby)so that's what I figured. I feel so helpless because I can't help him. Nothing I do soothes him. He cries like the time he got his shots. Daddy is taking us to a doctor's appt for him today, then to an appointment regarding his insurance. After all that, we're going to Wal-Mart to buy some corn syrup to maybe possibly help him go to the bathroom. We also have to get him a few outfits since he's growing like a weed! His 0-3 month sized clothes are snug on him. So my ten week old baby is in 3-6 months! I really hope this doctor's appt is successful and helps him feel better. I don't know what else I can do ):

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Summer School.

Thanks to my problem free pregnancy, NOT, I have to take summer school for losing credits due to too many absenses, which is a drag by the way. I'm taking a literature class with three people. It is VERY BORING. My teacher lets me bring Daniel to school, so that's a plus. He's not being too good today. For some reason he is fussy. I think his formula needs to be switched immediatley. I have to go to school only until the 24th of June. So basically I get to make up a whole credit in two weeks. Yay me! Well, break is over now. I have to get back to acting like I'm learning now. I'll blog more later. (:

Sunday, June 14, 2009

He got poked!

My baby boy got his two month old shots on Wednesday, June 10, 2009. He got six all together. One of them was a three-in-one shot. He was asleep on the doctor's table the first time they pricked him. I've never heard him cry as loud as he did when the needle got him! He cried, I cried. It was awful. I felt awful, but I know it's for his own well being.
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This is Daddy trying to console him.

April 10, 2009

The date mentioned above was by far the best day of my life. No questions asked. I endured 27 hours of labor, back problems from my epidural, and nothing to eat the whole time. All to meet this little boy. My prince, my Daniel Anthony. He entered the world bright eyed and screaming. Nothing compares to this day.

His first diaper change. Daddy got peed on.
Sweet Kisses