Monday, November 30, 2009

It's been a while.

Hellooo blogspot. My, how things have changed since the last time I posted. My baby is no longer a baby, but a "big boy". Daniel will be eight months on the tenth of December. I can't wrap the idea around my head that in just four short months we will be trying to get him to "blow out" his first birthday candles. Time flies so fast. His first tooth popped out about two days ago. I was at work and got a text saying "we have teeth!" It was bittersweet. I miss the little baby who could take four hour naps on my chest, completely at ease. However, I love the little boy he's become. The one who follows me everywhere, slaps me when it's time to get up, and snuggles with me when it's time for bed. I love him soo much. My big boy is a supported stander, grabs everything and puts it straight to his mouth. That's not a good thing, but we're careful. Anywho, Im off to put this little guy to bed. Happy blogging!